Results for 'Julian S. Caza'

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  1.  64
    How do episodic and semantic memory contribute to episodic foresight in young children?Gema Martin-Ordas, Cristina M. Atance & Julian S. Caza - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:92089.
    Humans are able to transcend the present and mentally travel to another time, place, or perspective. Mentally projecting ourselves backwards (i.e., episodic memory) or forwards (i.e., episodic foresight) in time are crucial characteristics of the human memory system. Indeed, over the past few years, episodic memory has been argued to be involved both in our capacity to retrieve our personal past experiences and in our ability to imagine and foresee future scenarios. However, recent theory and findings suggest that semantic memory (...)
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  2. Valid reasoning by analogy.Julian S. Weitzenfeld - 1984 - Philosophy of Science 51 (1):137-149.
    Reasoning that compares two objects or situations to draw conclusions about previously unknown properties of one of them has traditionally been taken to be ampliative and probabilistic. I propose that it is apodeictic reasoning from a premise about isomorphic structures that is often uncertain, but which we may have good reasons to believe. I characterize the structures and their isomorphism, describe patterns of reasoning appropriate to them, and discuss some complications not immediately obvious.
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    Eugenics and society.Julian S. Huxley - 1936 - The Eugenics Review 28 (1):11.
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  4. Progress: Biological and Other.Julian S. Huxley - 1922 - Hibbert Journal 21:436.
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    A Book That Shook the World: Essays on Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species.Julian S. Huxley, Theodosius Dobzhansky, Reinhold Niebuhr, Oliver L. Reiser & Swami Nikhilananda - 1958 - University of Pittsburgh Press.
    This collection features five essays from noted theologians, philosophers, geneticists, and biologists who discuss the sweeping impact of Charles Darwin's _On the Origin of Species_ on their respective fields. This volume, edited by Ralph Buchsbaum, professor of biology at the University of Pittsburgh, was published to celebrate the centenary of Darwin's announcement in 1858, along with Alfred Russel Wallace, of their independent discovery of the process of natural selection. Darwin's book was published one year later.
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    The Biological Basis of Individuality.Julian S. Huxley - 1926 - Philosophy 1 (3):305-319.
    The problem of individuality, physical and mental, is one which obviously has great interest for philosophy. The unity and continuity of the ordinary human consciousness—the “ ego,” the “personality—give us the concrete standard by which we ordinarily judge other systems which have tended towards individuation. A comparative and evolutionary study of biological data, however, will provide us with many facts which throw a new light on the problem. They are often puzzling, but must be taken into account.
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    Biology and Sociology.Julian S. Huxley - 1923 - The Monist 33 (3):364-389.
  8. Darwin and the Idea of Evolution.Julian S. Huxley - 1959 - Hibbert Journal 58:1.
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    The Galton lecture.Julian S. Huxley - 1935 - The Eugenics Review 27 (2):171.
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    We europeans.Julian S. Huxley - 1937 - The Eugenics Review 29 (1):80.
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  11. The Amplifying and Buffering Effects of Virtuousness in Downsized Organizations.David S. Bright, Kim S. Cameron & Arran Caza - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 64 (3):249-269.
    Virtuousness refers to the pursuit of the highest aspirations in the human condition. It is characterized by human impact, moral goodness, and unconditional societal betterment. Several writers have recently argued that corporations, in addition to being concerned with ethics, should also emphasize an ethos of virtuousness in corporate action. Virtuousness emphasizes actions that go beyond the “do no harm” assumption embedded in most ethical codes of conduct. Instead, it emphasizes the highest and best of the human condition. This research empirically (...)
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    Leading works in legal ethics.Julian S. Webb (ed.) - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This volume reviews and takes stock of legal ethics, at a time when the legal profession globally is experiencing considerable change and challenges, through a re-evaluation of writings that are in some way foundational to the field. Legal ethics, understood here as the study of the ethics and professional regulation of lawyers, has emerged as a novel and important field of study over the last 50 years. It is also one that displays considerable diversity in its scholarship, with distinctive philosophical (...)
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  13. (1 other version)Evolutionary Ethics.Julian S. Huxley - 1944 - Mind 53 (212):344-367.
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  14. (1 other version)Mind Considered from the Point of View of Biology.Julian S. Huxley - 1927 - Humana Mente 2 (7):330-348.
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    Professional Legal Ethics: Critical Interrogations.Donald Nicolson & Julian S. Webb - 1999 - Oxford University Press.
    Professional Legal Ethics: Critical Interrogations provides the first in-depth analysis and sustained critique of the ethics of English and Welsh lawyers. Drawing on a wide variety of disciplines, it argues that professional legal ethics has failed to deliver an approach which requires lawyers actively to engage with the ethical issues raised by legal practice. Through an analysis of the context of legal practice and the core ethical issues facing lawyers, the authors locate this failure in the influence of liberalism and (...)
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  16.  44
    Galileans or gallus?(Julian's letter to aetius).Kaiser Julian - 2010 - Classical Quarterly 60:607-609.
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  17. Ethics and ethos: The buffering and amplifying effects of ethical behavior and virtuousness. [REVIEW]Arran Caza, Brianna A. Barker & Kim S. Cameron - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 52 (2):169-178.
    Logical and moral arguments have been made for the organizational importance of ethos or virtuousness, in addition to ethics and responsibility. Research evidence is beginning to provide, empirical support for such normative claims. This paper considers the relationship between ethics and ethos in contemporary organizations by summarizing emerging findings that link virtuousness and performance. The effect of virtue in organizations derives from its buffering and amplifying effects, both of which are described.
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    Corrigendum: Positive and Negative Symptoms in Schizophrenia Relate to Distinct Oscillatory Signatures of Sensory Gating.Julian Keil, Yadira Roa Romero, Johanna Balz, Melissa S. Henjes & Daniel Senkowski - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  19. I. the origins of existentialism in prewar France.S. K. Keltner & Samuel J. Julian - 2010 - In Alan D. Schrift (ed.), The History of Continental Philosophy. London: Routledge. pp. 4--43.
  20. (1 other version)The Philosopher's Toolkit: A Compendium of Philosophical Concepts and Methods.Julian Baggini & Peter S. Fosl - 2002 - Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. Edited by Peter S. Fosl.
    The second edition of this popular compendium provides the necessary intellectual equipment to engage with and participate in effective philosophical argument, reading, and reflection Features significantly revised, updated and expanded entries, and an entirely new section drawn from methods in the history of philosophy This edition has a broad, pluralistic approach--appealing to readers in both continental philosophy and the history of philosophy, as well as analytic philosophy Explains difficult concepts in an easily accessible manner, and addresses the use and application (...)
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  21.  21
    The Ras Shamra Mythological Texts.Julian Obermann, James A. Montgomery & Zellig S. Harris - 1936 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 56 (4):495.
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  22. (1 other version)The Ethics Toolkit: A Compendium of Ethical Concepts and Methods.Julian Baggini & Peter S. Fosl - 2007 - Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. Edited by Peter S. Fosl.
    _The Ethics Toolkit_ provides an accessible and engaging compendium of concepts, theories, and strategies that encourage students and advanced readers to think critically about ethics so that they can engage intelligently in ethical study, thought, and debate. Written by the authors of the popular _The Philosophers’ Toolkit_ ; Baggini is also a renowned print and broadcast journalist, and a prolific author of popular philosophy books Uses clear and accessible language appropriate for use both inside and beyond the classroom Enlivened through (...)
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  23.  27
    Resource allocation in the Covid-19 health crisis: are Covid-19 preventive measures consistent with the Rule of Rescue?Julian W. März, Søren Holm & Michael Schlander - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (4):487-492.
    The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a health crisis of a scale unprecedented in post-war Europe. In response, a large amount of healthcare resources have been redirected to Covid-19 preventive measures, for instance population-wide vaccination campaigns, large-scale SARS-CoV-2 testing, and the large-scale distribution of protective equipment to high-risk groups and hospitals and nursing homes. Despite the importance of these measures in epidemiological and economic terms, health economists and medical ethicists have been relatively silent about the ethical rationales underlying the large-scale (...)
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  24. The Ashley treatment: Best Interests, Convenience, and Parental Decision Making.S. Matthew Liao, Julian Savulescu & Mark Sheehan - 2007 - Hastings Center Report 37 (2):16-20.
    The story of Ashley, a nine-year-old from Seattle, has caused a good deal of controversy since it appeared in the Los Angeles Times on January 3, 2007.1 Ashley was born with a condition called static encephalopathy, a severe brain impairment that leaves her unable to walk, talk, eat, sit up, or roll over. According to her doctors, Ashley has reached, and will remain at, the developmental level of a three-month-old.
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    The field and landscape of affordances: Koffka’s two environments revisited.Julian Kiverstein, Ludger van Dijk & Erik Rietveld - 2019 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 9):2279-2296.
    The smooth integration of the natural sciences with everyday lived experience is an important ambition of radical embodied cognitive science. In this paper we start from Koffka’s recommendation in his Principles of Gestalt Psychology that to realize this ambition psychology should be a “science of molar behaviour”. Molar behavior refers to the purposeful behaviour of the whole organism directed at an environment that is meaningfully structured for the animal. Koffka made a sharp distinction between the “behavioural environment” and the “geographical (...)
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  26. The Ethics of Enhancement.S. Matthew Liao, Julian Savulescu & David Wasserman - 2008 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 25 (3):159-161.
  27.  31
    The Ethics of COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation: Don't Forget the Trade-Offs!Julian W. März, Anett Molnar, Søren Holm & Michael Schlander - 2022 - Public Health Ethics 15 (1):41-50.
    The issue of COVID-19 vaccine allocation is still highly controversial on the international as well as on the national level, and policy-makers worldwide struggle in striking a fair balance between different ethical principles of vaccine allocation, in particular maximum benefit, reciprocity, social justice and equal respect. Any political decision that implements these principles comes at a cost in terms of loss of lives and of loss of life years that could potentially have been prevented by a different vaccination strategy. This (...)
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  28.  26
    Reputational concerns as a general determinant of group functioning.Nadira S. Faber, Julian Savulescu & Paul A. M. Van Lange - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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    Response: Clinical Wisdom and Evidence-Based Medicine Are Complementary.Julian De Freitas, Omar S. Haque, Abilash A. Gopal & Harold J. Bursztajn - 2012 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 23 (1):28-36.
    A long-debated question in the philosophy of health, and contingent disciplines, is the extent to which wise clinical practice (“clinical wisdom”) is, or could be, compatible with empirically validated medicine (“evidence-based medicine”—EBM). Here we respond to Baum-Baicker and Sisti, who not only suggest that these two types of knowledge are divided due to their differing sources, but also that EBM can sometimes even hurt wise clinical practice. We argue that the distinction between EBM and clinical wisdom is poorly defined, unsupported (...)
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    Academic Journals, Incentives, and the Quality of Peer Review: A Model.Kevin J. S. Zollman, Julian García & Toby Handfield - 2024 - Philosophy of Science 91 (1):186-203.
    We model the impact of different incentives on journal behavior in undertaking peer review. Under one scheme, the journal aims to publish the highest-quality papers; under the second, the journal aims to maintain a high rejection rate. Under both schemes, journals prefer to set very high standards for acceptance despite allowing significant error in peer review. Under the second scheme, however, in order to encourage more submissions of mediocre papers, the journal is incentivized to make its editorial process less accurate. (...)
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    Heidegger's philosophy of art.Julian Young - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book, the first comprehensive study in English of Heidegger's philosophy of art, starts in the mid-1930s with Heidegger's discussion of the Greek temple and his Hegelian declaration that a great artwork gathers together an entire culture in affirmative celebration of its foundational 'truth', and that, by this criterion, art in modernity is 'dead'. His subsequent work on Hölderlin, whom he later identified as the decisive influence on his mature philosophy, led him into a passionate engagement with the art of (...)
  32.  17
    Fairness and Protection for the Vulnerable: Lessons from Esketamine.Gin S. Malhi & Julian Savulescu - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (9):36-38.
    Volume 20, Issue 9, September 2020, Page 36-38.
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  33. Mach's principle and the structure of dynamical theories.Julian B. Barbour & Bruno Bertotti - 1982 - Proceedings of the Royal Society, London:295--306.
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    Heidegger’s Later Philosophy.Julian Young - 2001 - Cambridge University Press.
    Heidegger's later philosophy has often been regarded as a lapse into unintelligible mysticism. While not ignoring its deep and difficult complexities, Julian Young's book explains in simple and straightforward language just what it is all about. It examines Heidegger's identification of loss of 'the gods', the violence of technology, and humanity's 'homelessness' as symptoms of the destitution of modernity, and his notion that overcoming 'oblivion of Being' is the essence of a turning to a post-destitute, genuinely post-modern existence. Young (...)
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    Elucidating the neural correlates of egoistic and moralistic self-enhancement.Veronica Barrios, Virginia S. Y. Kwan, Giorgio Ganis, Jaime Gorman, Jennifer Romanowski & Julian Paul Keenan - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (2):451-456.
    Self-enhancement is the biasing of one’s view of oneself in a positive direction. The brain correlates of self-enhancement remain unclear though it has been reported that the medial prefrontal cortex may be important for producing self-enhancing responses. Previous studies have not examined whether the neural correlates of self-enhancement depend on the particular domain in which individuals are enhancing themselves. Both moralistic and egoistic words were presented to participants while transcranial magnetic stimulation was applied to the MPFC, precuneus or in a (...)
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  36. El positivismo en Guatemala.Amurrio González & Jesús Julian - 1970 - Guatemala,: Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala.
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    Altruism’s Moral Heuristics.Julian Friedland - 2021 - In Deborah C. Poff & Alex C. Michalos (eds.), Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics. Springer Verlag. pp. 83-87.
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  38. Kant's Account of the Self.Julian Wuerth - 2000 - Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania
    As the paradigmatic Enlightenment philosopher, Immanuel Kant grounds his entire system of philosophy in his account of the self. Kant's most direct engagement with questions of the self occurs early in his career, but much of this early work remains untranslated, and many invaluable student notes on Kant's anthropology lectures were not available until 1997. Consequently, the vast Anglo-American literature on Kant's philosophy lacks a systematic study of Kant's philosophy of the self over Kant's career. This dissertation fills this gap. (...)
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  39. Sense and Sensibility in Kant's Practical Agent: Against the Intellectualism of Korsgaard and Sidgwick.Julian Wuerth - 2013 - European Journal of Philosophy 21 (1):1-36.
    Drawing on a wide range of Kant's recorded thought beyond his Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals, this essay presents an overview of Kant's account of practical agency as embodied practical agency and argues against the intellectualized interpretations of Kant's account of practical agency presented by Christine Korsgaard and Henry Sidgwick. In both Kant's empirical-psychological and metaphysical descriptions of practical agency, he presents a recognizably human practical agent that is broader and deeper than the faculty of reason alone. This agent (...)
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  40.  20
    A neo-feudal world order? Introduction to the symposium on Peter Hägel’s Billionaires in World Politics.Julian Culp - 2022 - Journal of Global Ethics 18 (2):196-200.
    ABSTRACT The central aim of Peter Hägel’s Billionaires in World Politics (BWP) is to challenge the assumption that private individuals lack agency and power in world politics – an assumption that is widely shared in the field of International Relations (IR). Hägel’s methodological strategy to achieve this aim is twofold. First, he concentrates on minutest biographical aspects of billionaires to lay bare the idiosyncrasy of their choices, and to falsify, thus, structuralist assumptions of how individual agency is undermined by factors (...)
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  41.  90
    Why is Cognitive Enhancement Deemed Unacceptable? The Role of Fairness, Deservingness, and Hollow Achievements.Nadira S. Faber, Julian Savulescu & Thomas Douglas - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
    We ask why pharmacological cognitive enhancement (PCE) is generally deemed morally unacceptable by lay people. Our approach to this question has two core elements. First, we employ an interdisciplinary perspective, using philosophical rationales as base for generating psychological models. Second, by testing these models we investigate how different normative judgments on PCE are related to each other. Based on an analysis of the relevant philosophical literature, we derive two psychological models that can potentially explain the judgment that PCE is unacceptable: (...)
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  42.  44
    Publisher’s Announcement.Julian Deahl - 2012 - Vivarium 50 (2):111-111.
  43.  6
    The Terror of the Foundation in Santiago Castro-Gómez’s Political Philosophy: A Critique of Political Ontology.Julian Rios Acuña - 2024 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 38 (3):299-312.
    ABSTRACT This article problematizes Santiago Castro-Gómez’s rupture with genealogy in favor of normative political philosophy. This rupture is characterized by a turn toward a political ontology that transforms political concepts into ontological categories that allow Castro-Gómez to posit a category of “the marginalized” as the ultimate foundation of political normativity. Through a dialogue with Frank Wilderson and Frantz Fanon, this article argues that such an ontologization of political categories, Castro-Gómez’s political ontology, leads to the reinscription of a colonial foundationalist logic (...)
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  44. The Definition of Mach’s Principle.Julian Barbour - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (9-10):1263-1284.
    Two definitions of Mach’s principle are proposed. Both are related to gauge theory, are universal in scope and amount to formulations of causality that take into account the relational nature of position, time, and size. One of them leads directly to general relativity and may have relevance to the problem of creating a quantum theory of gravity.
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    Killing for Show: Interview with Julian Stallabrass.Julian Stallabrass, Alex Fletcher & Andrew Fisher - 2022 - Philosophy of Photography 13 (2):183-205.
    This interview with the art historian and curator Julian Stallabrass was conducted by Alex Fletcher and Andrew Fisher over the winter of 2022–23. It takes as its point of departure Stallabrass’s recent and large-scale study Killing for Show: Photography, War, and the Media in Vietnam and Iraq (2020), in order to consider the changing ways in which images have been used to both document and to wage war. The interview explores Stallabrass’s central historical contrast between photography in the Iraq (...)
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    God’s artillery opens fire.Julian Baggini - 2013 - The Philosophers' Magazine 2012 (60):118 - 119.
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  47. Nietzsche's Philosophy of Art.Julian Young - 1992 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is a clear and lucid account of Nietzsche's philosophy of art, combining exegesis, interpretation and criticism in a judicious balance. Julian Young argues that Nietzsche's thought about art can only be understood in the context of his wider philosophy. In particular, he discusses the dramatic changes in Nietzschean aesthetics against the background of the celebrated themes of the death of God, eternal recurrence, and the idea of the Übermensch. Young then divides Nietzsche's career and his philosophy of art (...)
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  48.  25
    Plato’s Republic Today.Julian Rome - 2024 - Southwest Philosophy Review 40 (1):11-17.
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    The philosopher’s philosopher.Julian Baggini - 2008 - The Philosophers' Magazine 41 (41):18-25.
    My father really looked forward to reading my book and then was terribly disappointed when he found it was unreadable. One of the reader’s reports for the press when it was published said ‘This book is written ordinary English – there are no symbols, little of what could be called technical terminology – but this appearance is entirely misleading’.
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    Dostoevskij’s guide to spiritual epiphany in The Brothers Karamazov.Julian W. Connolly - 2007 - Studies in East European Thought 59 (1):39-54.
    The essay examines the three main epiphanic experiences in The Brothers Karamazov and shows how Dostoevskij’s treatment of these experiences may offer a guide to spiritual renewal. The three experiences are Alësha’s vision of the resurrected Zosima and transfigured Christ, Dmitrij’s vision of the suffering babe, and Ivan’s vision of the devil (which serves as a counter example to the first two). By examining the content of each of these visions, as well as the parallels and variations in the scenes (...)
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